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Knowledge Management blog

Understanding the Agile Manifesto: A Cornerstone of Knowledge-Centered Service (KCS)

The Agile Manifesto, introduced in 2001 by a group of forward-thinking software developers, was a response to the limitations of traditional software development methodologies. It emphasizes flexibility, collaboration, customer feedback, and the ability to adapt to change. While it was initially crafted for software development, its principles are universally applicable, including in the domain of knowledge management.

Knowledge Management blog

The Foundations for KCS Methodology:from Agile principles to the Cynefin Framework.

Knowledge-Centered Service (KCS) stands on several foundational concepts. Knowledge-Centered Service (KCS) is a methodology built on a rich tapestry of academic research and practical insights from various fields. This foundation includes seminal works in management, innovation, psychology, and systems thinking. In this blog post, we delve into the pivotal works that have shaped KCS, starting with an exploration of the Cynefin Framework and touching on other influential concepts and authors.