Knowledge Management in Customer Support: More Than Just Deflection

knowledge management blog by Marcela Gleixner

Have you ever wondered what lies at the core of exceptional customer support? Why do some companies excel in meeting customer needs while others falter? It all really comes down to answers. Providing the right answers the first time, in a format that customers like, the moment when they need it. Customer support is nothing else than an answer provider. Answers come from knowledge. Knowledge is the answer!

As a passionate knowledge manager with experience in implementing KCS methodology in various companies, I believe the true power of Knowledge-Centered Service (KCS®) is often overlooked. While KCS is celebrated for enhancing self-service and reducing incoming inquiries through deflection, its real value lies in two fundamental areas: the intrinsic value of knowledge as an intellectual property and the universal pursuit for answers.

Knowledge as Intellectual Property

One of the most profound realizations I’ve had in my journey with KCS is understanding that the knowledge captured through this methodology is an invaluable intellectual asset. Every documented solution, every refined answer, and every insight gained from customer interactions forms a rich repository of corporate intelligence. This knowledge base is not just a tool for customer support; it’s a strategic asset that can drive broader business improvements.

Consider this: by systematically capturing and maintaining knowledge, companies can gain deep insights into customer behavior, product performance, and potential areas for enhancement. For instance, if customers frequently query about a specific product feature, it might indicate a need for improvement or better user education. Analyzing the knowledge base can reveal patterns pointing to systemic issues, enabling proactive problem-solving and strategic decision-making.

Key Points:

  • Strategic Asset: Knowledge captured is a critical corporate asset supporting long-term strategic goals.
  • Product and Process Improvement: Insights from the knowledge base can significantly enhance products and internal processes.
  • Future-Proofing: A well-maintained knowledge base ensures that critical information is preserved and accessible, safeguarding against loss of expertise.

The Universal Pursuit: Seeking Answers

At the heart of customer support lies a universal pursuit: the search for answers. Whether it’s a customer looking for a solution to a problem or a support agent searching for the right information to assist a client, this pursuit of answers is a shared journey. The process of seeking answers is continuous and dynamic, and it’s here that KCS truly excels.

KCS empowers support teams to capture, structure, and reuse knowledge effectively. Each interaction becomes an opportunity to enhance the knowledge base, ensuring that accurate and relevant answers are readily available. This continuous cycle of improvement aligns perfectly with both company and customer goals, fostering an environment where everyone wins.

Key Points:

  • Continuous Improvement: Each customer interaction enriches the knowledge base, leading to a constant improvement cycle.
  • Alignment of Goals: Both the company and customers benefit from readily available, accurate answers.
  • Efficiency in Support: Quick access to solutions reduces response times and enhances customer satisfaction.
white icons on a white background representing knowledge management

My Reflection

In my experience, KCS is more than just a methodology for deflection and self-service; it’s a comprehensive approach to knowledge management that aligns with both company and customer goals. By focusing on the ultimate goal of seeking answers and recognizing knowledge as a valuable intellectual property, companies can unlock the full potential of KCS. This not only enhances customer support efficiency but also drives continuous improvement and strategic growth.

Embracing these deeper aspects of KCS helps companies stay ahead of the curve, delivering exceptional value to their customers and safeguarding their intellectual assets for the future. This is my reflection on the often-overlooked facets of KCS, and I believe acknowledging these points can lead to a more holistic understanding and implementation of this powerful methodology.

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